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【Beware of Deep States' nuclear attack on Japan.(Twitterに投稿しました。)2022.12.01】
The “Nankai Trough Great Earthquake”, which is similar to the 311 artificial earthquake, would occurs, causing radioactive leaks at the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant. Nuclear contamination is low-dose, but 80% of Japanese people who have weakened their natural immunity due to two or more corona vaccinations will develop cancer and die one after another in a few years. Isn't this one of the methods Bill Gates and others are planning to reduce the world population by 90%?

On August 6, 1945, Japan suffered the first nuclear attack in the world. The fact is no. In the spring of 1944, the U.S. military conducted tests of earthquake and tsunami weapons using atomic bombs off the coast of New Zealand. They succeeded in generating a tsunami of 30 meters or more. This is a strategy called Project Seal. And the US military actually carried out this nuclear attack method against Japan's Tokai district in December 1944. That is the Tonankai earthquake. In the earthquake and tsunami, Japan lost 3,000 of its most advanced military aircraft and destroyed Mitsubishi and Nakajima (now Fuji Heavy Industries) aircraft factories. This attack annihilated Japan's air power, and Japan's defeat in World War II became decisive.

Now, shortly before this attack, a US military B-29 flew over the Tokai area and dropped leaflets (in Japanese) announcing that a nuclear-powered earthquake would occur. After the earthquake, B29 dropped leaflets suggesting that it was an artificial earthquake, and then announced that they would destroy Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' factories in Nagoya with an air raid. Then, as announced, an airstrikes were carried out, and Mitsubishi's main factory was reduced to ashes.

This method of attacking Japan using nuclear weapons was adopted again in the 311 earthquake some 70 years later. Over 20,000 Japanese were killed. A "surplus hydrogen bombs" buried at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean exploded, creating the cracks in the crust. Seawater penetrated deeply into the numerous fissures, causing nuclear fusion explosions due to the high temperature and pressure inside the crust. This is the cause of the 311 Great Earthquake and Tsunami. The Pacific was nuclear-polluted, but diluted by the circulating seawater.

In 311, it is said that the reactor at the Fukushima nuclear power plant caused a radioactive leakage accident due to the earthquake, but this is not true. It is believed that the reactor was initially empty of fuel rods. The DS terrorist unit detonated small nuclear weapons outside the Fukushima nuclear power plant, causing some nuclear contamination. They camouflaged the reactor damage and radiation leak. This low dose of radiation reached the Tohoku and Kanto regions, and although the radiation dose increased two to three times the normal dose, it did not directly lead to health hazards.

Japan suffered three artificial earthquake attacks, including the Tonankai earthquake, around the end of World War II. The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of January 1995 and the Kumamoto Earthquake of April 2016 are also thought to have been nuclear attacks. In other words, Japan has suffered at least eight nuclear attacks since 1944. Why is Japan the only target for DS attacks? If you look at the economic statistics for 1989, you can see why. In 1989, 32 of the world's top 50 companies (total share price) were Japanese companies, and all of the world's 10 largest banks were Japanese banks. Knowing Japan's latent power, DS has worked hard to beat Japan and weaken it at every opportunity to continue their world domination.

Now, it can be assumed that the "radioactivity leak" accident on 311 was an "experiment" in anticipation of the corona pandemic that was scheduled after that. Japanese people are weak against "authority". They simply follow what bureaucrats, politicians, and the media say. As a result, the corona vaccine rate in Japan is getting higher. The more vaccines you hit, the more people get infected. As of December 2022, Japan is a polluted country with the highest number of infected people in the world.

People who have been vaccinated 2-3 times have a 35-50% reduction in natural immunity. 80% of Japanese people fall into this category. Now, if an artificial earthquake like 311 and a radioactive leak occur in the Nankai Trough, etc., the vaccine recipients in Chubu, Kansai, and Kanto District will be slightly exposed to radiation. Normally, there is no health damage, but their bodies in a state of weakened natural immunity may develop cancer years later due to low-dose radiation. A combination of vaccination and nuclear radiation leaks may be able to kill nearly half of Japan's population.





ひまつぶしめにゅ〜 by 凸リアル